DECK BOXES You Choose Vintage Pokemon Trading Card Game (TCG/CCG) Charizard +
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This listing is updated frequently! This listing contains all my Pokemon Trading Card Game. Various empty card deck boxes! Charizard, Blastoise, Pikachu, & Venusaur! I have many different listings just like this to cover all types of vintage Pokemon items. Please check out my other listings as I have a wide selection for YOU to CHOOSE from! YOU can CHOOSE the item you want via the dropdown menu above to the right of the pictures. All items are pre-owned. Again, this is a card-less listing – all items are empty. These are great for display, collecting, or for arts/crafts! Nostalgia at a fraction of the price of those sealed packs that you probably weren’t going to open anyway! Thank you for choosing Dew-Mart & good luck with your pursuit to catch’em all. Included, but not limited to, in Dew-Mart’s various YOU CHOOSE listings’ drop down menus. Wizards of the Coast (WOTC). Base Set (1st Edition, Shadowless, Black Triangle Error, Unlimited, Spanish, Japanese). Expedition Base Set (e-Reader). Ex Ruby & Sapphire. Team Magma & Team Aqua. Fire Red Leaf Green (FRLG). Diamond & Pearl Base Set. Heart Gold & Soul Silver Base Set (HGSS). Black & White Base Set. Sun & Moon series. Pop Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Sword & Shield Series. Two Player Starter Deck & Gift Box. Years of Print (Many are Out of Print [OOP]). Eeveelutions (Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon). Legendary Birds (Moltres, Articuno, Zapdos). Deoxys (Normal, Attack, Defense, Speed). Arceus (Meadow, Splash plate). Theme Deck Inserts (Card Lists, Rulebooks, Rules, Damage Counters, Playmats, Flip Coins). Holo Foil Rare Star. Ultra Rare Full Art.